Hi everyone! Today I´m going to talk about an unusual pet, the Stink Insect.Maybe one of the easiest pets to take care of.
You can buy them online ( they are very cheap) but if you don´t want to sent money on it you can find them in a rural space, like the woods.
First of all you need to know that there are two type of this special insect.

Resultado de imagen de bicho palo asiatico

someone holding a stick insect
  • DESCRIPTION: The stink insects can be relatively large, ranging from 1.5 centimetres to over 30 centimetres in length.Some phasmids have cylindrical stick-like shapes, while others have flattened, leaflike shapes. Many species are wingless, or have reduced wings
  • WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW TO TAKE CARE OF IT? : well, they require an enclosure big enough for them to hang out. So make sure there are lots of things for them to climb on, like branches and plants. The enclosure also needs to be big enough for them to molt.
  • WHAT DO THEY EAT? They eat ivy or even just lettuce of any kind.
  • And the last thing and one important advice,stick insects prefer to have other stick insects around to play with so it’s best to have a couple.
  • WHERE I CAN HAVE THEM? You will need a big vertical terrarium.

If you want to know more about these interesant insects you can whatch this great video:
